Sunday 8 June 2008

New Hampshire asks Williams to 'relent' over Robinson Lambeth invitation

Episcopal church officials from New Hampshire have asked the leader of the Anglican church to reconsider his decision to exclude Bishop Gene Robinson from next month's worldwide church conference.

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams did not invite Robinson to the Lambeth Conference, which is a gathering of the church's bishops from around the world.

The conference is held once every 10 years, and Robinson was excluded because of the controversy surrounding his sexuality. He is the church's first openly gay bishop.

Robinson is making the trip to England and intends to host several of his own events.

In a May 29 letter, the standing committee and diocesan council of the state's Episcopal diocese said they "vehemently protest" Williams's decision to exclude Robinson from the conference. They also oppose Williams's orders that Robinson not preach or preside at a Eucharist while in England.

"Not including our bishop means that you also exclude our representation and participation," the letter said. "Your decisions are an insult to the people of the Diocese of New Hampshire, who have duly and canonically elected him bishop." Read more

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