Monday 9 June 2008

The Guardian: Archbishops to back criticism of government over church's role

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York will today support the findings of a report criticising the government for its failure to recognise the Church of England's contribution to the public sphere.

Moral, But No Compass, challenges the government to recognise the church's involvement and potential in reforming public services. Recommendations include appointing a minister for religion and new legislation that does not discriminate against faith-based charities.

Rowan Williams and John Sentamu are expected to issue a "warm welcome" for the findings and call for a sensible dialogue with the government about the role of the church in contemporary British life, especially in the field of welfare services. A team from the Von Hügel Institute at St Edmund's College, Cambridge, approached Church of England bishops, MPs, peers and academics. Participants agreed that the government displayed "religious illiteracy" and had little or no interest in Christian involvement in civic and charitable work. Read more
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