Saturday 13 October 2007

Minister hints at tax reforms for marriage

(Ed: Next thing you know, they'll be saying sex outside marriage is a bad thing.)

Labour today signals a major shift in policy as a cabinet minister calls for married couples to get tax incentives from the Government in recognition of the benefits their children and society gain as a result of the union.

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Andy Burnham, the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, says there is a “moral case” for promoting the traditional family through the tax system. “I think marriage is best for kids,” he says. “It’s not wrong that the tax system should recognise commitment and marriage.”

His comments will be seen as a sign that Gordon Brown intends to seize another area of policy from David Cameron, following his raids on Tory proposals for cutting inheritance tax, penalising non-domiciled workers and introducing a flight levy. Read more
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