Wednesday 9 April 2008

The Relativity of Dialogue

It is not only in physics that the principle of Relativity applies, but also in the business of dialogue, the meaning of which depends on whether we are talking about you or me:

I dialogue with you, means: “I am willing to engage in conversation with you, in the sincere belief that I am right and with the hope and expectation that you may change your mind.”

You dialogue with me, means: “You are willing to engage in conversation with me, on the understanding that you might be wrong and open to the possibility that you may change your mind.”

You refuse to dialogue with me, means: “You are not willing to admit you may be wrong and I may be right.”

I do not refuse to dialogue with you, means: “I am always open to the possibility that you may admit you are wrong, and want to share with you why I think I am right.”

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