Thursday 1 March 2007

LGCM tells Williams church 'stinks' over Nigerian gay policies

[...] I am afraid to say, and do so with a very heavy heart, that it is clear you have failed your own test and lost much moral authority in this thankless process. It is hardly surprising then that we and increasing numbers of faithful Anglicans find any attempt to give the Primates the "enhanced" authority they seek through the Covenant, risible.

We note you continue to lament how lesbian and gay people are treated with contempt and ignored, yet we see little hope of this changing. Tell me, if America has failed to follow the teaching of the first part of Lambeth 1.10, and so sets itself apart from the Communion, why is it that those who act as the Nigerian Church and defy its teaching on "listening" are not in the same position?

Sadly we do not like the look of your new "catholic" church – it seeks order but finds ordure. Read more

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