Sunday, 25 February 2007

Schori: TEC asked to 'pause, not go back'

Ed: Charlie Brown runs, he kicks ...

[...] She told the gathering that the Episcopal Church is called to ensure that the conversation about the inclusion of gays and lesbians in the church continues in the Communion.

“It is part of our mission as a church,” she said. “This conversation that has been going on for at least 40 years is not going away. God keeps bringing it back to us.”

Jefferts Schori said that she understands that some people feel that the primates’ recommendations are a “hard and bitter pill for many of us to talk about swallowing.” But, she said, worldwide attitudes about the inclusion of gay and lesbian people are changing and “I don’t expect that to end.”

“We’re being asked to pause in the journey. We are not being asked to go back,” she said. “Time and history are with this Church.” Read more

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