The Liverpool Echo: Bishop of Liverpool James Jones caught up in bullying row
Ekklesia: Evangelical theologian sues Bishop over 'discrimination'
Education Guardian: Unfairly sacked Oxford college theologian sues bishop
World Wide Religious News: Carries the Guardian story
Titus One Nine: Carries the Telegraph article
Oxford Mail: Ex-don settles dismissal claim
Cambridge News Online: Presenter in a battle of faith
The Independent: Fire and brimstone! College principal says we're all going to hell (The usual dispassionate coverage of Christian affairs by the ghastly Independent. Honestly, it is about Elaine Storkey.)
Doubtless more to follow
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Wednesday, 9 January 2008
Widening ripples on the 'Elaine Storkey Sues Bishop' story
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Did anyone else notice that Elaine Storkey is always refered to as 'Dr' where Richard Turnball and Simon Verbert are both always refered to as 'Rev' or 'Mr'. I guess it's just part of trying to make "Conservatives" look reactionary and unthought through.
Darren, I think this represent a 'hermeneutic of suspicion'! Might it not be that the alternatives (since Elaine Storkey is not ordained) of 'Mrs', or even 'Ms', would do less than justice to her qualifications - a not irrelevant element in this situation?
As an American evangelical with unorthodox political-social views (for America, anyway) who has always deeply appreciated Dr. Storkey, I can only say I find the school's attempts to have this "go away" highly reminiscent of the usual treatment of pesky women amongst white males in the Church. It is depressing. I hope the Anglicans avoid looking like our Southern Baptists... but this incident isn't encouraging in that regard.
Jon Trott
Blue Christian (my blog)
Maybe John. Perhaps I'm just paranoid (or people really are out to get me).
BUT I did notice the same things when Rowan Williams is discussed. If a Conservative Evangelical disagrees they are refered to as 'Mr' whilst it is 'Dr' Williams. Someone drew attention to it with Dr NT Wright's critique of "Pierced for our transgressions". He refered to Dr John, but the 3 others, all with doctorates just get their surnames or just J,O & S. I've noticed it elsewhere too.
Darren Moore (Tranmere)
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