Thursday 10 January 2008

Bishops and pole-dancers in same salary bracket

Ed: And thanks to the Daily Mail for this one.

[...] The fortunes of farmers have dropped so dramatically over the past 50 years that they now share the same bracket as sewer cleaners, mortuary assistants and checkout staff, at £10,000 - £20,000.

The real-life James Bonds in MI5 earn the same as binmen, vicars, carpenters and NHS nurses, £20,000 - £30,000.

A bit higher up on £30,000 - £40,000 are the pole dancers and RAF pilots, along with bishops, police constables, sandwich shop managers, vets, London cab drivers, architects and paramedics.

Nearly six million were in the lowest pay bracket of less than £10,000, including cleaners and hairdressers. Read more (caution: Contains a picture of a pole-dancer. No bishops, however, so it is safe for children.)
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