Saturday 21 July 2007

Guardian Comment: Bring back Sundays

Ed: I had to double-check this was actually in the Guardian.

[...] in mid-2007, I find the idea of a day when everything is "silent and grey", as Morissey sang, quite appealing.

I can imagine Gordon Brown thinking so as well, and I'm not the only one. The Lord's Day Observance Society (LDOS) has just written to our new prime minister, congratulating him on instituting a review of super-casinos, and trusting he'll do something to quell consumerism in other areas, especially on Sundays. I would guess that Mr Brown's own Sundays are very Sunday-ish in the old-fashioned way. I imagine him harrumphing over some large volume, as Sarah sits opposite, darning socks. Something virtuous simmers on the hob; a clock ticks; rain falls against the window. Read more

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