Wednesday, 14 February 2007

"Changing Attitude" in Tanzania: an apology and some reflections

[...] The discomfort that has occurred between Bishop Martyn, David Anderson, Chris Sugden and myself is not surprising. Our membership of the Anglican Communion brings us into personal relationship with each other. The strategy which they are working on is designed, I assume, to diminish my ability to remain in the Anglican Church with integrity. I am gay and I do not believe I have a vocation to celibacy. If their strategy is to exclude Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori from the Primates meeting because she is not ‘Windsor compliant’ and because of her involvement in the consecration of Bishop Gene Robinson, they will at the same time exclude me from feeling that I am welcome. They are attempting to make the Communion a place which is not open to the presence of partnered, sexually active LGBT people, lay, ordained, and consecrated as bishops. The church will become more dishonest. LGBT people will be pushed back into the closet. We will be at greater risk of discrimination and abuse, especially in countries like Nigeria. Read more

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