Wednesday, 24 January 2007

Oak Hill (USA) parish leaves Episcopal Church

The Church of the Epiphany in Oak Hill has left the Episcopal Church, according to its rector. The church has joined the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA), which is part of the Church of Nigeria, led by controversial Archbishop Peter J. Akinola, who has openly called for outlawing same-sex relationships in his own country.

Many conservatives were outraged in 2003 when the Episcopal Church, which is the American branch of the Worldwide Anglican Communion, installed an openly gay bishop in New Hampshire.

Just last year, Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, a supporter of New Hampshire Bishop Eugene Robinson, was named to head the Episcopal Church nationally. This action further angered conservatives.

Recently, two of Fairfax County's oldest Episcopal churches, the Falls Church and Truro Church, have made headlines by leading a secession of 11 parishes from the Episcopal Church. Read more

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