Sunday 12 April 2009

Trinidad Archdeacon offers services as hangman

The West Indies spiraling crime rate has prompted a Trinidad archdeacon to offer his services as a hangman.

In his sermon to the congregation of St. Stephen’s Anglican Church in Princes Town on Palm Sunday, the Ven. Edward Primus stated the murder last week of a woman and her two children was evidence of the moral collapse of society.

“Two children and their mother chopped to death. Hang him high! If they do not want to do it, I will! You have to fight fire with fire sometimes. My heart is bleeding. How many more must die before we act,” Archdeacon Primus told the congregation, according to Newsday.

Narcotics trafficking and gang violence has rising dramatically in the West Indies in the recent decade, and in 2008 Trinidad surpassed Jamaica as the region’s murder capital. Trinidad recorded 550 murders in 2008. In January the Home Office reported there were 772 murders in England and Wales committed in 2008. Read more
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