Sunday 7 January 2007

Astrophysicist turned Missionary brings ‘Extreme Christianity’ to West Bromwich

“It not just about putting God in the unknowable bits, saying: ‘We know all this and everything we don't know we'll call God.’ I'm not saying that. I'm saying there's a huge amount of discussion and interest which anybody of any intellectual capacity or persuasion can enjoy when you look at the whole universe and our lives and look at it from science and theology and explore things both ways round.

“There's a huge positive dialogue going on between science and faith, and anybody who thinks science has written off faith really hasn't done their homework very well. I enjoy doing that and do a lot of debate and discussion work around those issues. And I find that when I say to people that I have a degree in astrophysics, it opens a huge number of doors which allows us to discuss things much further.”

Evan will combine his missionary role with that of chaplain to the West Bromwich YMCA, a role he sees as complementary: “In the absence of anything else I might have to do I could simply come and be the chaplain here seven days a week and have a very full schedule." Read more

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