Following the launch of the Chelmsford Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans, Chelmsford Anglican Mainstream is no more.
The new blog is here.
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Monday, 21 June 2010
CAM is now Chelmsford FCA
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Dean of Southwark Cathedral preaches on Presiding Bishop's controversial visit
[...] It seems to me that love must, by its essential nature, be always unconditional. We welcome Katharine Jefferts Schori to this pulpit because we love our sisters and brothers in the Episcopal Church of the United States; not because she is female, or a woman bishop ahead of us, or has permitted a practising lesbian to become a bishop (As it happens she couldn’t have stopped it after all the legal and proper canonical electoral processes resulted in the election and nomination), we welcome her because she is our sister in Christ.
The lesson from the Hebrew Scriptures is enormously topical. Disaffected Anglicans have been threatening to ‘walk separate ways’ for many months. Abram and Lot travel together and their herdsmen bicker and fight, in modern translation there is 'strife' between them. They reach agreement to take separate paths and settle down and so their mutual belonging as members of one family is secured. [...]
It may be that some Anglicans will decide to walk a separate path. I believe the Chapter and congregation of this church will walk the same path as the Episcopal Church of America, the links are deep in our history, especially here. Their actions in recent months have been entirely in accord with the Anglican ways of generosity and breadth. They have tried to ensure everyone is recognised as a child of God. They have behaved entirely in accord with their canon laws and their freedom as an independent Province of the Church, not imposing or interfering with others with whom they disagree but proceeding steadily and openly themselves. Read more No comments will be posted without a full name and location, see the policy.
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
"Paganism is not a distant or very different religion"
From The Church Times:
SOME Pagans see a strong link between the more ritualistic worship of Christians — for example, lighting candles, burning incense, making the sign of the cross on oneself, asking saints for intercession with God — and the way in which Pagans often perform rituals. The practice of directing rituals to “appropriate” deities is similar to asking saints for intercession — the Protestant Reformer Erasmus made this very point, suggesting that instead of praying to a god of healing, Christians now prayed to the patron saint of healing.
Equally, the lighting of a candle and directing of thoughts to one person or issue is used as a basic form of magick by many Pagans. There is a misconception that “magick” implies an intention of compelling a Deity to do one’s bidding, but it is considered by Pagans to be more about “opening the world to possibilities”. This may be done through chanting, drumming, lighting candles, dancing, and singing — perhaps not so different from many church services.
It would be better if the 21st century could bring the first seeds of a new era, a truly Common Era, which would emphasise religious tolerance. What religions share — indeed, what humanity shares — should be granted more importance than the smaller differences between us. The way forward lies through peace and understanding. What better gift could we give to any Deity?
Penelope Fleming-Fido is a practising Pagan, and runs an online coven. No comments will be posted without a full name and location, see the policy.
Monday, 14 June 2010
CAM to become Chelmsford Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans
Chelmsford Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (CFCA)
Invites you to a ‘launch meeting’ with Paul Perkin, Chair of FCA (UK).
A gathering of friends...
There is now a need, more than ever before, for Anglicans who want to preserve an orthodox voice in our denomination (and to identify with orthodox views across the Anglican Communion), to seek God and to take counsel together. Paul Perkin is a gentle and respected speaker who is able to unite Charismatics, Conservatives and Catholics as we pray and think together about contending for the faith ‘once and for all delivered to the saints’.
Where: St.Peter’s Church, Harold Wood
When: Wednesday 16th June 2010
Time: Lunch at 12:30 pm
Main meeting 1:00 to 4:00 pm.
Cost: £5
Please reply to to book your place.
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Saturday, 12 June 2010
From: The Times online
Sir, We wish to express our concern over the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church (USA), Katherine Jefferts Schori, preaching and presiding at Holy Communion in our cathedral at Southwark tomorrow.
Bishop Schori is well known for her doctrinal statements and practice that are contrary to the teaching of the Bible. She is also well known for initiating many litigations against orthodox congregations within the Episcopal Church and defrocking doctrinally orthodox bishops and clergy, so exacerbating disunity in the Anglican communion. Only recently she defied the instruments of the Anglican communion by reneging on the agreement made by the Episcopal Church to abide by the moratorium regarding the consecration of actively gay and lesbian bishops.
We, the undersigned clergy of Southwark diocese, distance ourselves from Bishop Schori’s teaching and presiding in our cathedral. We seriously question the judgment of those who have not withdrawn their invitation to her after her recent consecration of Mary Glasspool.
Father Francis Gardom
St Stephens, Lewisham
The Rev Stephen Kuhrt
Christ Church, New Malden
The Rev Ray Skinner
St Lawrence, Morden
The Rev Sandy Christie
St Michaels, Blackheath
The Rev Christopher (CJ) Davis
St Nicholas, Tooting
The Rev Ian Gilmour
Holy Redeemer, Streatham Vale
The Rev John Goddard
Morden parish
The Rev Martin Hislop
St Lukes, Kingston-on-Thames
The Rev David Larlee
St Marks, Battersea Rise
The Rev James Paice
St Luke’s Wimbledon Park
The Rev Paul Perkin
St Marks, Battersea Rise
The Rev Dan McGowan
St Martins, Morden
The Rev Precious Omuku
Morden parish
The Rev Les Wells
Morden parish
The Rev Bill Wilson
St Stephen’s, South Lambeth
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Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Bishop of Chester criticises 'celebratory' modern funerals
The Bishop of Chester, the Rt Rev Peter Forster, said that he “regretted” the tendency for families to have a small private burial or cremation followed by a larger commemoration of the deceased’s life.
He said it gave the impression that the body is not important, and that death was being denied.
The bishop added that some of the music and poems heard at funerals lacks the appropriate solemnity.
It comes after another Church of England cleric caused uproar by admitting that secular funerals left him feeling “like a lemon”.
Fr Ed Tomlinson complained that hymns and prayers were being replaced by a “poem from nan” and that he had better things to do than stand by as mourners listened to Tina Turner or Frank Sinatra.
In the May issue of Chester Diocesan News, Dr Forster said that his mind had turned to funerals having recently turned 60.
He wrote: “My mind has been concentrated by another experience, which is becoming more common: to go to a funeral, only to find that the cremation or burial has taken place earlier in the day, and the funeral has become a celebration of the deceased’s life. Read more No comments will be posted without a full name and location, see the policy.
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Religion's regressive hold on animal rights issues
(Ed: Bear in mind that Singer's views on animals include the notion that objections to sex between humans and animals are equally irrationally bolstered by the Judaeo-Christian tradition.)
[...] The chief minister's comment is yet another illustration of the generally regressive influence that religion has on ethical issues – whether they are concerned with the status of women, with sexuality, with end-of-life decisions in medicine, with the environment, or with animals. Although religions do change, they change slowly, and tend to preserve attitudes that have become obsolete and often are positively harmful.
"Go forth and multiply" was a reasonable idea when the world had a few million humans in it. Now, unrestricted multiplication of our species has become a grave risk to the environment of our planet, and a significant cause of infant mortality and poverty. Yet some religious leaders continue to condemn not only abortion, but also contraception, and their condemnation of homosexuality also has the same roots in the non-reproductive nature of same-sex relationships.
In the same way, there has been great progress, worldwide, in attitudes to animals over the past century, but some religious believers, such as Mohamad Ali Rustam, remain stuck with attitudes that were formed many centuries ago. Read more
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Prisoners convert to Islam for jail perks
Inmates are converting to Islam in order to gain perks and the protection of powerful Muslim gangs, the Chief Inspector of Prisons warns today.
Dame Anne Owers says that some convicted criminals are taking up the religion in jail to receive benefits only available to practising Muslims.
The number of Muslim prisoners has risen dramatically since the mid-1990s — from 2,513 in 1994, or 5 per cent of the population, to 9,795 in 2008, or 11 per cent. Staff at top-security prisons and youth jails have raised concerns about the intimidation of non-Muslims and possible forced conversions.
Dame Anne’s report, Muslim Prisoners’ Experiences, published today, says that, although several high-profile terrorists have been jailed recently, fewer than 1 in 100 Muslim inmates have been convicted of terrorism.
She says that prison staff are suspicious about those practising or converting to the faith and warns that treating Muslim inmates as potential or actual extremists risks radicalising them. The report says: “Many Muslim prisoners stressed the positive and rehabilitative role that Islam played in their lives, and the calm that religious observance could induce in a stressed prison environment. This was in marked contrast to the suspicion that religious observance, and particularly conversion or reversion, tended to produce among staff.” Read more
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Children raised by lesbians 'have fewer behavioural problems'
Teenagers brought up by lesbians achieved better results in school and had a more active social life, the research discovered.
They were also less likely than children of heterosexual parents to engage in aggressive behaviour of break rules.
Researchers concluded that the main cause was because the mothers, who conceived their babies through artificial insemination, were "committed parents" aware that their children may face difficulties at school because of their upbringing.
They therefore took an active interest in their child's education and many chose to attend parenting classes. The mothers also tended to be older than mothers who had conceived naturally. Read moreNo comments will be posted without a full name and location, see the policy.
Church of England Evangelical Council appeals to parishes for funding
To the Incumbent and PCC
We write to ask whether you would be willing to support financially the work of the Church of England Evangelical Council.
The Council exists to bring together representatives of evangelicals ‘To promote effective consultation… order that the evangelical heritage, as expressed in the Basis of Faith, may be better applied to contemporary opportunities and problems in church and nation….To seek primarily to identify key issues, to work for the development of a common mind and concerted action on each, and should this not prove possible, to map out the different views held.’ (Extract from the CEEC Constitution)
As you are aware there are a number of major issues before the church at the present time and CEEC is seeking to represent all evangelicals as we react to them. Our work can only continue if we have sound financial backing.
Over half of the members of the Council are elected – some by the Diocesan Evangelical Fellowships, others by the Evangelical Group on General Synod, and others by the Principals of the evangelical Theological Colleges. The rest are representatives of various evangelical Societies and Networks and people co-opted on account of particular experience and expertise.
You will find further information about the Council on our website .
Please would you consider making a regular contribution to the work of CEEC?
Yours in Christ
{Wallace Benn – President} {Michael Lawson – Chairman}
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